The UN is using AI to help resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflictThe UN is using AI to help resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

UN using AI to help resolve Israel-Palestine conflict

The United Nations is deploying an AI model in an effort to find a peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But due to the dramatic increase in recent attacks, few can hold their breath. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has hired CulturePulse, an AI firm based in Slovakia, to empower peacekeeping clients to “use AI to understand the critical issues of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” according to a statement released this week. a by the Palestinians. company. .

CulturePulse and UNDP have agreed to collaborate on a five-month pilot project to develop a “mathematical model of the causes of problems in the Palestinian-Israeli social system” to help the UN achieve its goal of promoting stability in the region the body. Launched in August and announced on October 10 following an attack by Islamist militants Hamas on the Jewish state, the Palestine-Israel Virtual Foresight Tool (PIVOT) will test interventions through digital simulations before “testing them in the field”. good world.”

It will be Dr. Justin Lane, CEO of CulturePulse, and Professor LeRon Shults of the Institute for Global Development and Social Planning. The agency claims it is the first of its kind in the United Nations. Hopes are high for digital peace
Despite heavy losses on both sides, the terrorist group Hamas and the Israel Defense Forces killed hundreds of people, including children, in the days following the first Saturday provocation, Dr Lane told Cybernews. and he is optimistic about AI. Project management can contribute to long-term conflict resolution.

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“We found that there is a psychological signature among extremists, called ‘identity bond,’ which often comes from being a terrorist,” he said, when asked about the mentality that drives terrorist organizations. “Psychological studies show that extremist behavior can create extremism and start to explain the process of violence,” he added. “AI modeling helps us uncover findings on the issue of identity fusion and extremism.”

Dr. Lane hopes that CulturePulse’s algorithm, combined with studies of politics and politicians and psychological profiles of military and military organizations, will provide insight into issues such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. by devising the ideas of his opponents. “Our approach is unique in finding out what people believe about their group,” he said. “Where their personal identity, like what motivates them, is what they share in society.”

He added: “They don’t just have a belief and they do something very serious about it. This is the type of radicalization that we can detect, but this other type is more difficult. This identity bond happens when you bond with a group of people and you are willing to fight and die for it.

Can AI solve human conflicts? Dr. Lane says that he and LeRon have developed AI combat tracking software that “understands these basic social and personal issues” and will help “create information that can be used to carefully solve the problem of extremism.”

CulturePulse has previously worked with the University of Cambridge to develop an AI model that enables it to analyze and analyze the social situation around the conflict and peace in Northern Ireland, which is divided by the military from violence to over thirty years, caused thousands of deaths.

This involves extracting millions of articles from a huge database of human behavior, broken down into 80 categories of culture, psychology and ethics that support the conflict. CulturePulse has reiterated this approach for finding a solution to the conflict in the Balkans, especially in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and responding to the Syrian refugee crisis, emphasizing their inclusion in the host country “by understanding the moral and ethical differences.”

“In some cases you want to criticize someone and sometimes you have to do it slowly, right? he added. “Sometimes it’s a long process where you have to work on the terms and those ideas a stimulus that will make a person stop. In an argument, you can’t really turn them on, you have to talk them down.

“Our system, because it maps these exciting places, also gives the map to move around so you can connect different ideas like, you know, peace and wealth and different parts of the conversation, and allows you to go over these. points. stimulate ideas.


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